Reinbeau Ranch is the Northwest's Premier Tennessee Walking Horse Breeding and Sales Facility.
Reinbeau Ranch was established in the Spokane Valley of Eastern Washington in 1973. We specialize in top quality Tennessee Walkers with an additional emphasis on color in the horses that we breed. There were regular trips to middle Tennessee and Kentucky in search of the very best in brood stock, and well broke gaited pleasure horses. Most of our brood stock are direct sons and daughters of World, World Grand, or Supreme Versatility Champions. Many have show records themselves. Horses born or purchased here have won titles at the "The Celebration" (World Show) in the flat shod divisions, and many of them are the champion in their owners hearts be they pleasure, trail, field trial or brood stock.
The trail horses I bring in are typically first and foremost seasoned mountain horses. Now that I am scaling back the breeding operation, even more emphasis is being placed on the best of the best trail and pleasure horses I can find.
Looking for a gentle well broke riding horse?

The pleasure and flat shod show horses at Reinbeau Ranch are hand picked for their gentle dispositions, smooth gaits, trainability, pedigree and talent.
Our clients often become good friends and frequently become repeat buyers. They are our best source of advertising.
Looking for Outstanding young stock?

Our babies are hand delivered and imprinted.
They are handled on a regular basis.
Foals born here have won titiles at the World, won Versatility Championships, are top field trial horses, and have faithfully carried their owners over, under, and through some of the greatest terrain on earth.
Our horses are spread out over most of the United States, across Canada, They can also be found in Mexico, Israel and Dubai.​​
Contact us at:
Reinbeau Ranch
3909 N Campbell Rd
Otis Orchards, WA 99027
509-921-1345 A Land Line
No Texts Please
509-559-2877 mobile line
Looking for top broodstock?

Most of our mares are by Nationally known sires and many of them have show records themselves or have already produced top horses in their fields.
Many are also well broke riding horses.
From time to time we also offer a Nationally known stallion for sale.
The quality available here is hard to find anywhere let alone for the prices we are offering them.
Check out our horses for sale, and standing stallions! If you are looking for it, it is likely here, if not, I can find it.